Ils étaient les hommes et les femmes du sable, du vent, de la lumière, de la nuit.

... en tête de la caravane, il y avait les hommes, enveloppés dans leurs manteaux de laine, leurs visages masqués par un voile bleu. Avec eux marchaient deux ou trois dromadaires, puis les chèvres et les moutons harcelés par les jeunes garçons. Les femmes fermaient la marche.

Désert. Le Clézio.

samedi 12 juin 2010

Exposition TAPIEZO Roussillon

Tapiézo constructs his paintings with elements as diverse as sand, gravel, wood, pigments and wire grid.

After this clever revisited XVIIth century alchemy, off we go on a trip through this utopian architecture in Tuscany. His poetic imagination is totally disorientating. He also suggests a mysterious Egyptian journey with his sculptures " Totem Hieroglyphs ".
Important companies enlighten their walls and communication with the artist's work. Monumental or thematic, art that can be touched and shared, that combines dream with authenticity offering a rare voyage.
The grid, for Tapiézo, is a reading tool, the layout of a page where recursive soothing symbols occur, circle, triangle, dash, point, from a common alphabet, a universal algebra. Here we are in the midst of an intimate, warm abstraction, unhampered by time.

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